About Us
SEAL Inc. exists to provide comprehensive assistance to those returning home from jail or prison to ensure successful reintegration into their community. SEAL's goal is to equip every client with the tools to obtain Success in Every Area of Life. This thriving and successful organization was birthed out of a tragic event that occurred in my life as Founder and CEO. Similarily, many of SEAL'S clients have been impacted by trauma either by their own doing or at the hand of others. Our goal is to facilitate a change in the trajectory of their lives. A life of success after incarceration is possible. Matt: 19:26 With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Our Mission
SEAL Inc. exists to help individuals returning from jail or prison navigate barriers and challenges that impact returning citizens to ensure successful reintegration into society. We offer a variety of services to include wrap-round services, transportation assistance, resume preparation, interview skills training, and job leads. Our goal is to ensure our clients ability to move forward with their life for their family, community, and their own destiny.
Our Vision
SEAL Inc.'s vision is to see recidivism reduced by 100% for any client that we serve. To provide the tools for returning citizens to realize their purpose, goals, and on their way to reaching their highest potential.

Community Engagement